Free Job Posting

Post your job opening on GEMS portal
at no cost.

Post your job now

Recruiter Engagement

Engage our team of recruiters to assist
with talent sourcing.

GEMS engagement services
Talent Search

Be seen by all the jobseekers in Singapore

Post your job openings and requirements at GEMS portal.

Post job now
Recruiter Engagement

Let us source the best candidate to fulfill your manpower needs

Just let our consultants know your requirements.

Request candidates now

How To Engage


Let us know about the positions you are trying to fill

Tell us your requirements on the talents that you are currently sourcing. Leave the sourcing to our team of friendly and experienced consultants.


Our recruiters will send you profiles for review

Let us know if you'll like to schedule for an interview with the potential candidates.


We'll arrange for interview upon your shortlisting

Interact with the candidates and hire the talent that you are seeking.

Our Resources

Ebooks & Reports

Case Studies


An executive search and recruitment agency in Singapore.